Sunday, April 11, 2010

about me- diptesh berhampur

Who am I? I really dont know. In fact, I am pretty much a nobody, another instance of the cancerous species named Homo sapiens destroying the resources of this beautiful planet. A dreamer, who really hopes to be responsible for creating something like Skynet, that will have the ability to think of its own. I dont care if my creation eliminates everything else, it still would be my creation. Thats the way I am - unconventional, apathetic to the common miseries of people. I am a person who finds joy in things that sometimes bore people, like work for instance. A total rationalist, always listening to the voice of the brain rather than the voice of the heat. I guess whoever is going through this is intelligent enough to figure out what I am from this brief paragraph studded with gibberish. If you still want to know about me, contact my friends. Or you may contact me, but I cannot guarantee that I wont abuse you like anything. actually it all depends on my mood. If you catch me in a good mood, you are safe, or else....

P.S. : If u dont know me, buzz off mate....I aint here to MAKE FRIENDSHIP with arbit strangers, especially those who write ridiculously stupid English, (mis)guided by the notion that such actions make them look

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