Sunday, April 11, 2010

ideal match:
Someone who'll be able to accept me as I am, support me through my endeavours and would be able to bring me back on track when I get too detached from the world(which happens pretty often, mind you). Good looks are an added bonus.O ya, it would be nice if she's a metalhead(\m/), likes Anime(esp. DBZ and Naruto) and has a good sense of humour and a lot of patience to put up with my hideous PJs(mind you, the last sentence specifies the optional qualities)

first thing you will notice about me:
Now that depends on the viewer's perspective , right?
turn offs:
Idiocy, Hypocrisy, Two-faced people and wimps

my idea of a perfect first date:
Koi bhi cheez perfect nahi hoti. Use perfect banana parta hai....

from my past relationships I learned:
Always follow a deterministic search algorithm and not a heuristic search tenchique when searching for your significant other. Heuristic searches lead to failure and pain more often than not..

in my bedroom you will find:
Dirt, filth , grime, loads of books and me sitting in the midst of all of that

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